Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sounds like a devil of good time, GOULET

"And then it turns out the air... was bent all along! WHAT! I know, it's awesome."

So I guess M Night Shyamalamadingdong, a director who usually shoots his films pretty close to Philadelphia, is making a movie in Toronto, Canada. That's pretty cool. I've liked all the M Night Shyamalan films I've seen generally a lot better than most people. I even enjoyed Lady in the Water, which was pretty widely hated. I haven't seen The Happening, but whatever, I'm sure it's not that bad.

Devil is a supernatural thriller. Or as Eli Roth likes to say, a horror film. It's co-written by the guy that wrote 30 Days of Night which would have been pretty good were it not for Josh Hartnett's faux six-packs-a-day smoker voice overs.

Teaser trailer for M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender after the jump.

It's based on a popular Nickelodeon show. Hey, remember Ren and Stimpy?

Edit: some jerk won't let me embed this.

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