Sunday, December 20, 2009

Opening this weekend

The weekend's basically over! But here's what already just came out:

Avatar: James Cameron. What a guy. If you haven't read his epic New Yorker article or the story about how he almost drowned, do that right now. If you don't want to go see this movie afterwards, you and I probably aren't going to get along.

Did You Hear About the Morgans?: Starring the British guy you probably hate and the ugly girl from Sex and the City (solid show). I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this movie isn't going to do well. Some might blame Avatar for opening on the same day, but in all truthfulness, movies with no appeal don't do well no matter what else comes out at the same time.

Limited Release:

Nine: Pros: It's a musical version of Fellini's excellent 8 1/2 starring Daniel Day-Lewis. Cons: From the director of Chicago... with Kate Hudson. You should still probably see it.

Crazy Heart: Jeff "The Dude" Bridges as a country singer with a dark past. Iunno, looks all right.

Okay cool, I'll see you on Monday and we'll look at how things turned out.

Thai just can't wait: Hangover 2 news?

One of the funniest movies to come out over the past year, The Hangover, is obviously in talks right now for a sequel. A source close to the project is reported to have said "I think this is a great idea. I can't foresee any way a sequel to a movie with such a perfect, self-contained close-ended plot could be anything but equal to the original. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some microwaves to put my head in."
According to some douche with a secret identity, the sequel will take place in Thailand, a country so ripe for frat-boy comedic material that it's a wonder nobody's thought of it before now.
Some fun facts about Thailand:
  • The capital and largest city of Thailand is Bangkok.
  • David Carradine, legendary Kung-Fu actor, was found dead in a hotel room in Bangkok. He had a rope around his neck and his penis, and was wearing fishnet stockings.
  • Thailand experienced major economic growth between 1985 and 1995, and is today considered an industrialized nation, the main industry being tourism.
  • The average age for a Thai prostitute is 14. The average age.
  • Hence the expression "Tight like a Thai hooker," or as the bastardization you probably know, "Tight like a tiger."
HA HA HA! Statutory rape.